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Books Are Bigger In Texas Event

I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Books Are Bigger In Texas event last Saturday. I can say without a doubt that this was the highlight of my writing career so far, the chance to meet, learn from and get to know so many amazing authors, bloggers and designers was an experience I will treasure forever. Kellie and her Eye Candy team did a phenomenal job and the organisation of such a huge event was flawless!

Part of my adventure was getting to meet Mary in person, after writing two books together I finally got to hug her and it was so worth it! We got on so well ad I had a blast exploring (by this I mean getting lost and walking 5 extra miles in a circle) Houston. We did some touristy things like visited the museums and fell asleep in the planetarium (we both did lol) On Friday we were joined by a very special blogger, Di Covey from Twisted Sisters joined us as our assistant and having the chance to meet one of my absolute favourite 'book people' made the trip that much more special.

The event day came so fast and I was giant pile of nerves! i'm new to all of this and meeting so many authors, readers and bloggers was somewhat overwhelming. Thank goodness I had Mary with me and she's done this before. I sold way more books than I ever dreamed I would, got to meet some amazing people, hugged some readers that came just to see me and had an absolute blast - my cheeks hurt I smiled so hard.

I want to say some very special thank you's, firstly to my husband Ricky who not only made the trip possible for me, but looked after our girls while mom was away, I cannot thank him enough for giving me this experience. Mary and Di for spending time with me and sharing the event. Tamsyn, being the other SA author there <3 and making me feel a little less like a fish out of water. To all the authors, bloggers and readers I got to meet thank you!

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