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The Goodbye Man... What a journey!

So a few months back I wrote a blog post about working with Mary E. Palmerin on The Goodbye Man. We essentially wrote the entire book in six weeks - yes around 100K words in six weeks, but the story we turned out in that time is something both fightening and extraordinary.

This book is a bit of a departure from my other stories and has a very strong horror theme flowing through it. When Mary pitched the rough plot to me I was both excited and terrified to go THERE... you have to read it to see where. While I am totally in love with the characters and story we have created I know that there will be those who absolutely loathe it and even those who simply cannot read the content. I am perfectly alright with that. There are books out there for every taste and this one will be for the select few.

Working with Mary to write this story was such fun, when you work as team the inevitable writers block is strangely absent as you feed off each others ideas and writing each day. I looked forward to getting her chapters in my inbox everyday and hen couldnt wiat to get mine written and sent back.

As we drew to the end of the project my personal life was turned upside down and I was taken away from the project to be with my husband who was in a serious quad biking accident. The last three weeks have been a test on so many levels, but I can say my book friends were there when I needed them the most, jumping in to help with all the lose ends and to pull the project together. Mary, Karen and Cassy you ladies are amazing. My street team The Assassins, thank you for the well wishes, a special video and for keeping my books out there on the interwebz when I couldn't. I always takes a small army to release a book - this time my army has worked extra hard and I appreciate it so much!!!

So with release day looming less than a week away I just wanted to say thank you for going the journey with me. This book is going to great things - even if we get banned in two days!

Things that are changing up in my writing cave - I have had to put My Blackhole Heart on hold for a short while as I am needed on the home front. When I do return to writing I am going to be keeping strict office hours and devoting the evenings and weekends to my family. It took a disaster to open my eyes to the things we take for granted in our lives. I am not going to live like we have infinite tomorrows anymore - I am planning to live the shit out of every minute. We are not invincible, we need to start living every moment of every day. I will still be writing, that's a promise I will finish the Colour series and I have a new series all ready to start after that. There will also be Red Market book two - so watch this space...

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