What's happening in my Cave? LOTS!!!
After announcing the exciting news of my teaming up with Mary a few other super exciting things have happened! Firstly we have almsot half the first draft written already and we have scared, challenged and completely shocked even ourselves.
I also accepted an invitation to attend Books Are Bigger In Texas in April 2016, I am coming USA! I will be sharing atable with mary and we will have both out individual titles and The Goodbye Man with us! I am over the moon excited about this!
I am also working furiously to bring you Blackhole Heart as soon as possible, as i said after releasing Monochrome, I am not putting out a release date until it is ready, I nearly killed myself with the deadline I set last time.
SALE!!!! SALE!!!!
Monochrome My Madness and Colour My Ugly are on sale at reduced prices! Monochrome is 99c for the next week only and colour my Ugly has been permanently priced at 1.99 ( icant go lower because this was traditionally published) so go click away and tel your frieds too!
Thats all my news for now, thank you for your support and for reading